[Free Download E-Book] Handbook of Solubility Data for Pharmaceuticals


Handbook of Solubility Data for Pharmaceuticals | Abolghasem Jouyban

Before a drug becomes available to its receptors, it should be dissolved in the biological fluids surrounding the receptors; therefore, solubility is an important subject in pharmaceutical sciences. There is a solubility problem with nearly 40% of the drug candidates, and any attempt to predict the solubility is quite important in drug discovery investigations. The oldest rule for solubility prediction is “like dissolves like.” This rule is applied to a well-known solubility equation, i.e., the Hildebrand equation, in which the solubility of a solute reaches the maximum value when the Hildebrand solubility parameters of the solute and solvent are equal. However, it has been shown that the Hildebrand equation is valid only for solutions with nonspecifc interactions. Water is the unique biological solvent and aqueous solubility is one of the most important physicochemical properties (PCPs) of drugs; it is therefore obvious that simple equations like the Hildebrand equation cannot represent the aqueous solubility of solutes consisting of various functional groups, such as pharmaceuticals. More accurate equations are needed to predict the aqueous solubility of drugs, which will be discussed in detail later on. Aqueous solubility is also a key factor in the design of oral, parenteral, and ophthalmic formulations of poorly water-soluble drugs. A comprehensive database of aqueous solubilities of chemicals and pharmaceuticals was collected by Yalkowsky and He. Solubility is defined as the maximum quantity of a drug dissolved in a given volume of a solvent/ solution. For ionizable drugs, the solubility could be affected by the pH of the solution, and the intrinsic solubility (S0) is defned as the concentration of a saturated solution of the neutral form of the drug in equilibrium with its solid. The United States Pharmacopeia classifed the solubilities of drugs into seven classes. Aqueous solubility has an essential role in the bioavailability of oral drug formulations. There is an established classifcation, namely, the biopharmaceutical classifcation system (BCS), which divides drugs into four classes in terms of their solubility and permeability. The BCS classifcation correlates the in vitro solubility and permeability to the in vivo bioavailability. Soluble and permeable drugs are class I drugs with oral bioavailability being limited by their ability to reach the absorption sites. Class II drugs are poorly soluble but permeable drugs through the gastrointestinal tract (GI), meaning that their oral absorption is limited by the drug’s solubility and, as a consequence of the Noyes–Whitney equation, by their dissolution rate. Class III drugs are soluble but poorly permeable and their oral bioavailability is limited by the barrier properties of the GI tract. Drugs of class IV are low soluble and poorly permeable compounds with the limitations of classes II and III. The drug candidates of class I possess suitable bioavailabilities and show appropriate drugability potentials; the bioavailability of drug candidates of class II can potentially be improved by developing suitable formulation designs, while those that belong to classes III and IV are most likely to return to the lead optimization phase for the improvement of their PCP.

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Solubility Determination Methods
1.1.1 Shake-Flask Method
1.1.2 Kinetic Solubility Determination
1.2 Aqueous Solubility Prediction Methods
1.3 Solubility Prediction in Organic Solvents
1.4 The Accuracy Criteria in Solubility Calculation Methods
1.5 Acceptable MPD Range in Solubility Calculations
1.6 Solubilization of Drugs by Cosolvency
1.7 Review of Cosolvency Models
1.7.1 Hildebrand Solubility Approach
1.7.2 Solubility–Dielectric Constant Relationship Model
1.7.3 Log-Linear Model of Yalkowsky
1.7.4 Extended Hildebrand Solubility Approach
1.7.5 Williams–Amidon Model
1.7.6 Mixture Response Surface Model
1.7.7 Khossravi–Connors Model
1.7.8 Jouyban–Acree Model
1.7.9 Modifed Wilson Model
1.7.10 Margules Equation
1.7.11 General Single Model
1.7.12 Mobile Order and Disorder Theory
1.7.13 QSPR Model of Rytting
1.7.14 Artifcial Neural Network Model
1.7.15 COSMO-RS Model
1.7.16 New Models Proposed by Yalkowsky’s Group
1.8 Concluding Remarks
Chapter 2 Solubility Data in Organic Solvents
Chapter 3 Solubility Data in Binary Solvent Mixtures
Chapter 4 Solubility Data in Ternary Solvent Mixtures

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